Saturday, March 15, 2008

Of foolishness and forgiveness

Yes I was a fool.Yes that’s an understatement.No I will not elaborate.

What does one say when the magnitude of their stupidity surpasses everything they know?When they look in the mirror and a stranger glares back reproachfully?When their conscience berates them for letting it down?When you expect people to look through you because of what you have done , but then they MAKE you look AT you?When they care enough to have faith that it was not you but your demons that they saw?

And what exactly does one say when the weight of others' forgiveness weighs more than the weight of your foolishness?



Srinath Ramachandra said...

The one necessary tool required after a session of stupidity is patience. Just be patient, somebody else is bound to do something stupid and then you life comes a full circle! :P

Han Solo said...

Gosh! Aren't you being a little too hard on yourself? everybody's allowed a night of revelry so to speak...everybody's allowed to make a fool of themselves once in a while...we're all humans end of the day...and various people choose to do it in different ways.
What you do is your choice need to look for other's approval/approbation or forgiveness...least of all from friends, else they they're not really friends!
Maybe sometimes we go wrong in our choices, maybe we are not able to see the full consequences of our choices....hey, that's life! It doesn't mean we should stop choosing and doing and lock ourselves up! Screw all the guilt! Go on and experience as much as you can and live your life!!:-)

unforgiven said...

If you're truly sorry and in your heart know that you won't make the same mistake again? then neither the mistake, nor the forgiveness should feel heavy.

unforgiven said...

In that case, forgive yourself, it's alright to do so :)

Divya said...

This will turn into memories which you'l laugh about later in life.... so let it be... :)