she runs
over hills, over plains,
through snow, through rains,
she runs.........................
neither to escape, nor in pursuit,
neither to defend, nor to loot,
she runs.........................
neither a warrior, nor a thief,
deaf to wails, blind to grief
she runs.........................
neither to wealth,nor to health,
neither in haste, nor in stealth
she runs.........................
of horrible beauty is her mighty race
great men cower being unable to face,
yet, she runs.........................
trip her, trap her,
catch her, bind her,
try as you might,she runs.........................
oh heartless beauty! why do you run?!
won't you wait till my task is done?
men might cry, but heedlessly she runs.........................
the wise silently watch her way,
the fools try to make her stay.
obliviously she runs.......................
hence folks don't be like everyother person i meet,
care not for the running feet,
cause you might worry and stress over your watch , but remember she runs.........................