Monday, September 28, 2015

Connections vs Relations

The other day , my best friend said to me  " So I guess all the material we uploaded on Orkut is gone?". I did a quick search and found that we could actually download an archive of our Orkut profile. Today I sat and read through some of the scraps left for me by friends and acquaintances more than 8 years ago. I found them funny initially but started getting uncomfortable as I read on. Who was that girl? I couldn't relate to her at all.  What made it worse was the messages seemed deep but I didn't feel any of it. It was like looking at a photo of footprints left on the sand. You know it made an impact but you also know realistically that the imprint was washed away long ago.

But the real relationships I had at that time 8 years ago with family and friends still has a firm grasp on my heart. I do not need a picture to remember them by. These are those relationships where you complete each other's statements which generally go along the line  of " Do you remember that weird trip......"  

The virtual world makes it very easy to connect with very little effort. But the flip-side is that it is equally easy to disconnect. You are not accountable for maintaining those connections. If something doesn't go your way all you have to do is to log off.

Relationships maybe mundane most of the time, might become predictable to the point of boredom. But ultimately this is the bedrock of our life. This is the foundation that holds us steady when things are not going our way. These are the ones that usually have no log-off option.

Today the pillars that hold up our foundation have been thrown to all corners of the Earth. We have to use a virtual platform to stay connected to them. But in doing so are we staying true to the principles that made the relationship so strong in the first place. Or has the mode of communication become a parasitic vine around a strong tree that slowly drains away its life?Are we logging out of relationships too? 


Partha said...

Yesht DEEEP kanne!!!!

adithi said...

Haha! I know ! 😊

myfavourites said...

Got it!!! 😊😊😊

umaa said...

heart felt connections dont fade out nor dissconect
always stay on